Meet our Pastoral Team



Andy Woof

Interim Lead Pastor

"I have a real passion for the Bible, and to see God work in and through His people, to bless
our community and transform lives."
Andy and Tina, together with their boys Ezra and Joseph, moved to Garstang in 2017.
Click the button below to read more of their journey.



 WhatsApp Image 2025-01-14 at 1  Jacob Taylor

    Families and Young People's Worker
    I’m very excited to oversee the Children’s work at Garstang, working alongside the     
    other volunteers to guide and develop our wide variety of groups and clubs. I’m also     
    on the lookout for ways to further support young families in the church.



Katie Devany

Church Administrator

"I love using my admin skills in the church"

Katie is married to Dave and has two grown up children, Joanna and Nathan.
Click the button below to read more of Katie's journey.



tinawoof-1-1400x1019Tina Woof

Conference Ministerial Candidate

"I love to learn, and to help others learn and grow, and find purpose and fulfilment together in Jesus. It is a huge privilege to serve the church family."

Andy and Tina, together with their boys Ezra and Joseph, moved to Garstang in 2017.
Click the button below to read more of their journey.

Hello and welcome to Garstang Free Methodist. If you are a new visitor, then please feel free contact us anytime.
WHY we are here?

Planning your Visit

Why are we here?

A Christian Community Discipling All Generations


Community. Belonging. Hope.

We are a group of ordinary people of various ages and backgrounds here at GFMC. Our aim is to build real relationships – with God and with one another – that spill out to impact surrounding communities.  We recognise that faith is a journey and we welcome people to come and join us, no matter where they are at with their beliefs. Life can be difficult enough without having to face it alone. We believe that Jesus knows and loves each one of us and that having hope in Him and belonging to His community transforms lives.


Our Beliefs

We believe that God forgives us through Jesus, giving everyone the opportunity for new life. We believe the Holy Spirit guides us and transforms us as we seek to walk closer with God.
As Evangelical Christians we accept the Bible as God's Word. We believe God reveals himself to us, by His Spirit, through the Bible and we endeavour to live following Him.

Every life matters to God. All your life matters to God.

Find out more
We run information afternoons, called 'Roots and Branches', which explain what we believe and the history of Free Methodism. This is a good opportunity to meet the pastors and ask questions. Email to find out more.

Free Methodist Video

Why not come and see for yourself what God is doing?

We'd love to meet you!

Sunday Services


We are part of the worldwide Free Methodist Church, with congregations in over 70 nations.

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