Regular Events  


Welcome Cafe

Welcome cafe

Did you know we have our 'Welcome Cafe' every Tuesday afternoon, 12-2.30pm? If you're out and about in Garstang on a Tuesday come on down for tasty treats and a warm welcome.

On the menu is a selection of paninis, soup, crumpets, toasted teacakes, hot and cold drinks, all served by our lovely team of volunteers at affordable prices.

Men's Fellowship

Every other Wednesday.

See programme for event details.

Contact David Elliott, Phil Howlett, Chris Lowe or the church office for more info.
Men’s fellowship - facebook

22nd January - Crazy Golf at Barton Grange with David*
29th January - Breakfast at Booths Cafe - 9.00am, followed by a time of sharing at Church, David - 10.00am

5th February - Breakfast at Booths Cafe 9.00am
19th February - Games at Church - 10.00am with Chris*
26th February - Tea, Coffee & Chat at Booths Cafe - 2.00pm

5th March - Breakfast at the Deli, Garstang - 9.30am 
19th March - Imperial War Museum, Manchester with Robin*
26th March - Tea, Coffee & Chat at Booths Cafe - 2.00pm

2nd April - Breakfast at The Barn, Scorton - 9.15am 
16th April - Knott End Ferry and Lunch with David*
30th April - Breakfast at Booths Cafe - 9.00am, followed by a time of sharing at Church, Richard - 10.00am

7th May - Breakfast Owd Nell's Tavern, Bilsborrow 10.00am
21st May - ​Lake District, including Ladies, with Chris*
28th May - Tea, Coffee &Chat at Booths Cafe - 2.00pm

4th June - Breakfast at Booths Cafe - 9.00am
18th June - Butterfly House, Williamson's Park with Richard* 
25th June - Tea, Coffee &Chat at Booths Cafe -2.00pm

2nd July - Breakfast at The Applestore - 9.15am
16th July - Crown Green Bowls, Quernmore with David*
30th July -  Breakfast at BoothsCafe- 9.00am, followed by a time of sharing at Church, Chris- 10.00am

*Further details will be available on the Church Information Sheet or from the contacts below.

Ladies' Breakfast


Join us at 9am on the third Wednesday of every month at Booths Café.

No need to book, just turn up.
All ladies welcome!

Contact Barbara H or the church office for more info.

Craft Cafe

craft cafe fb

Come and meet fellow crafters, learn some new crafting skills, work on your own projects and share your own crafting knowledge whilst eating cake, drinking tea and chatting with friends. 

Everyone is welcome even if you would just like to drop in for tea and a chat and see what others are doing.

A fun way for adults to spend an evening letting their creative juices flow!

There’s no need to book simply turn up or contact Martha Woodward

Hello and welcome to Garstang Free Methodist. If you are a new visitor, then please feel free contact us anytime.
WHY we are here?

Planning your Visit

Why are we here?

A Christian Community Discipling All Generations


Community. Belonging. Hope.

We are a group of ordinary people of various ages and backgrounds here at GFMC. Our aim is to build real relationships – with God and with one another – that spill out to impact surrounding communities.  We recognise that faith is a journey and we welcome people to come and join us, no matter where they are at with their beliefs. Life can be difficult enough without having to face it alone. We believe that Jesus knows and loves each one of us and that having hope in Him and belonging to His community transforms lives.


Our Beliefs

We believe that God forgives us through Jesus, giving everyone the opportunity for new life. We believe the Holy Spirit guides us and transforms us as we seek to walk closer with God.
As Evangelical Christians we accept the Bible as God's Word. We believe God reveals himself to us, by His Spirit, through the Bible and we endeavour to live following Him.

Every life matters to God. All your life matters to God.

Find out more
We run information afternoons, called 'Roots and Branches', which explain what we believe and the history of Free Methodism. This is a good opportunity to meet the pastors and ask questions. Email to find out more.

Free Methodist Video

Why not come and see for yourself what God is doing?

We'd love to meet you!

Sunday Services


We are part of the worldwide Free Methodist Church, with congregations in over 70 nations.

FM UK Website     FM USA Website     FM UK YouTube